Example Demonstrating Rendering & Style

Eric Gustafson


This page contains examples of Markdown markup so that the resulting output can be viewed after static site rendering and site styling.

Heading 1

Body text following a heading. This paragraph is onnly here to show the spacing between heading and paragraby body.

Heading 2

Body text following a heading. This paragraph is onnly here to show the spacing between heading and paragraby body.

Heading 3

Body text following a heading. This paragraph is onnly here to show the spacing between heading and paragraby body.

Heading 4

Body text following a heading. This paragraph is onnly here to show the spacing between heading and paragraby body.

  1. Number List - Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
    • sub-bullet
  4. Item 4

A Definition List

Item 1
Definition for item 1.
Alt definition for item 1.
Item 2
Definition for item 2.

A Short Code Example

# Comment leading a command
> echo 'Hola, Mundo!'
Hola, Mundo